New JV Volleyball Coach Trusty

IMG_6418Written by Jessica Green  |
Photos by Jessica Green and Amber Vullimier |

Morgan has a new JV volleyball coach-Morgan mathematics teacher Paige Trusty!  She began playing volleyball her freshman year of high school at Coginchaug.  As a freshman in high school, she wanted to participate in a fall sport, and this was the perfect choice for her.  Her brother also encouraged her to play since he knew many of the girls on the team.

Ms. Trusty never had a time where she considered giving up playing volleyball in high IMG_8895school, but she didn’t consider playing in college until her senior year season.  Coaches then started to contact her.  Unfortunately, during her freshman year of college she had a horrible coach.  Fortunately there was a new one for her sophomore year.

Prior to becoming coach to Morgan, Ms. Trusty coached for Coginchaug JV volleyball while working as a math teacher here.  Once she had the choice to come to coach Morgan, it wasn’t an easy decision.  She knew since she wanted to be a mentor to her students and be more involved, coaching at Morgan would be more appropriate.

Sophomore, Taylor Marnett (Morgan volleyball player)  agrees, “I feel as if having Ms. Trusty as a coach will really benefit the team.  She motivates us in a very calm yet strong way.”

As for Ms. Trusty’s playing position, she was always a front row hitter.  However, if she needed to play the back row at certain times she was always there to take on the task.
Trusty Volleybal



One response to “New JV Volleyball Coach Trusty

  1. I like how you offer insight not only to her current life and how she is coaching, but also how she used to play and what position. I also like how you explained why she decided to coach here.


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