Leaving a Legacy: The Morgan Musical’s Seniors

Written by James Saturno | Photos by James Saturno | March 18th marked the end of an era for the Morgan Musical, as many faces who have become synonymous with […]

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Top 10

Written by Abbey Norton | Featured Image by Heidi Bergeron | The Seniors are all brilliant students who have dedicated their past four years to their education and communities. Slowly […]

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Seniors Walk Away With Awards

Written by Sam Pansa Photos from FaceBook| The senior awards ceremony took place on Wednesday June 1st.  The ceremony is long and the auditorium is usually humid, but this doesn’t […]

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Students’ First Cars

By Anthony Janiszcak and Greg Ellal | Teens look forward to getting their first car. It means independence, freedom, and responsibility. So we wanted to know what kind of cars teens […]

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In the Trenches at Toads

Written by Lucas Lennox | Featured Image by Michael McDonald | Toad’s Place is a nightclub and music venue in downtown New Haven. It’s been host to many popular artists and bands […]

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Middlesex, a good choice for you?

Written by Brendan Kyhn| photo via heyevent.com | The week of Monday March 7th, I took a trip to Middlesex Community College. I left  The Morgan School around 10:15 am to […]

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