HEART of a Husky

Written by Ashlynn Leka |

This year The Morgan school has a new way to recognize students for outstanding school spirit or acts of kindness: “The Heart Of A Husky”. Every month a student will be chosen from teacher/staff submissions who meets the 5 characteristics of a Husky:
Actively involved

For September, the Husky Of The Month was Freshman Joey Ciarleglio. Joey was chosen to be the Husky of The Month because according to Library Media Specialist Shannon Robinson, he “embodied the true meaning of having a Husky Heart. He embraced the 5 characteristics in school at STEP and with other huskies”

For the month of November, the student that was chosen to be the Husky of the month is Junior Logan Cummings. Logan says he thinks he was nominated for the position because of the mural that he painted in Spanish teacher Laura Luther´s room featured below. 

Staff and students can nominate people for this position every month. Library Media Specialist Shannon Robinson said, “We have been asking staff and students for suggestions. Anyone can nominate a peer by simply stopping by the Learning Commons to share their name and reason or dropping me an email.”

The Heart of the Husky “represents what we hope to see in our students from day to day.  It supports the idea that the little moments add up to a positive change. Just like JP Nye stated at the beginning of the year. The husky is an animal that refuses to quit.  Each individual dog supports the entire sled team through thick and thin and that is what balances the ride and makes the sport of dog sled racing a success.”

One response to “HEART of a Husky

  1. This article was very well written. It showed why each student was chosen and when the did to show their heart of a husky.


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