Bonjour French Week!!

Written by: Hope Vecca|

National French Week celebrates anything cultural in the French-speaking world. French week is November 1-7. It is celebrated in many schools all over the country. French teacher Laura Martino organizes the French week activities with her students at Morgan. 

We have celebrated French week for the last several years here at Morgan. Although many Americans celebrate French Week it is not a trend in France. It was first started by the AATF an organization of French teachers. 

One way students who do not take French can participate this week is through the media blitz. The media blitz will present information and fun facts on the monitors in the hallways and hubs and on the PawPrint.

You also may hear fun French facts during the Daily Announcements.  Mrs. Martino’s French classes will be participating in a fun French trivia contest all week. Be sure to share about French week outside the classroom


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